Ickenham Church News Home Page Ickenham Church News



June 2002

The Queen's

Golden Jubilee

Special Edition



at United Covenant Service


The annual ëCovenant Sunday‰ service at the U.R.C. on 21st April was, this year, addressed by The Rt. Revd. Peter Broadbent, Bishop of Willesden.


During his sermon he spoke about how unity best arises from ëthe bottom up‰ rather than being imposed from ëtop down‰.






He told our two, packed. united, congregations that although we might have diverse views on some matters, nevertheless they lead us in the same direction and towards the same goal.


Whilst we work naturally together, in many areas of daily life and worship, ours is a continuing journey of exploration and there are probably many new ventures ahead for us just waiting to be discovered.


For readers who do not consider themselves to be churchgoers why not ëpluck up courage‰ and come and join our congregations during June on a journey of spiritual renewal and adventure that could change your life for the better?



DROP-IN FOR THE BEREAVED. Third Monday of each month. St. Giles' Church Hall, 2-3.30 p.m. A friendly, informal opportunity for a chat, over a cup of tea, with other bereaved people and pastoral visitors.æ The next meeting is Monday 17th June (Also Monday 15th July). Just come along, or ring the Rectory (622970) if you would like to talk to someone first.



ICKENHAM GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME exists to serve the whole of Ickenham. We're here to assist in an emergency. If you need help, the daytime contact numbers are: 01895 633020 or 01895 235061.


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