Vyners Swing Band enthralled many Ickenham residents on 15th September with their high level of professionalism at their annual Farewell Concert. We tapped our feet to familiar numbers such as “Night Train”, “American Patrol” and “Gospel John”. The occasion also included a number of awards, made by the Band’s founder and leader, Perry Parsons MBE, to people associated in various ways with the band. The Vyners Swing Band Perry Parsons Award went to Ashleigh Bairstow, Vyners’ new Head Girl. Ashleigh, who played and performed solos on the saxophone, had attended nearly every performance over the last five years.
Ashleigh has recently been selected to represent the prestigious Project Trust. This organisation puts volunteers through rigorous tests before appointing about 200 school leavers to teach in deprived areas of the world for some twelve months. Next year, Ashleigh will go to Uganda (another Ickenham link with the area), to teach English, Music, Sport, Drama and Sciences.
Before she goes she has to raise the daunting sum of £4,480 to cover all the costs of the venture. The Swing Band will make a donation as has the charity Moose, but there is still some way to go. If you would like to help this worthy cause, contact Ashleigh on 01895 635102, or you can send a cheque (however small) payable to Project Trust, to Ashleigh Bairstow, 54 Copthall Road West, Ickenham, Middlesex, UB10 8HS.
On Saturday 17th November the WEA Lecture Supper evening takes place at Ickenham Village Hall at 6.30p.m. The guest speaker this year will be Gordon Ogbourne, giving an illustrated talk on the ‘World of Cinema’. Gordon spent a large part of his working life in the film business. He is an avid film enthusiast and collector of films, with a reputation as a very entertaining after dinner speaker.
For tickets, which are £8 each including a buffet supper, contact 01923 824922 or 01895 230948. Everybody is welcome!
We have welcomed a new member to the ICN team recently. Karen and Gavin Roberts receive the 5,000 copies of ICNs from the printers each month, and bundle them up for delivery around the village. But they found themselves with another little bundle to handle when Samuel Charles McArtney-Roberts made his entrance on 30th September. He certainly seems to be taking this photo session in his stride! Many congratulations to the proud parents.
If last month’s invitation to join Swakeleys Tennis Club interested you, you may have already contacted Pam Currin on 01895 677149. If you tried the email address however, you would have discovered the fault! Apologies the correct address for emails is Hans@Rader.co.uk
Receipt is acknowledged, with grateful thanks, for donations towards the cost of ICN, from:
Anonymous of Oak Avenue, Phyllis Turner of Ruislip, Mrs Byrne of Burnham Avenue, Ickenham & Swakeleys Horticultural Society, Swakeleys Tennis Club, Hillingdon Decorative and Fine Arts Society.
Copy for the December edition should be with the team by 12 noon on 13th November. Please remember there is no January edition of ICN, so if you want us to publicise any events taking place early in the New Year, tell us about them too.
Saturday 24th November at 7.30pm
Emmanuel Church, High Street, Northwood
Soloist Lynne Hirst (Soprano)
Conductor Peter J Williams
Also Vaughan-Williams Overture “The Wasps”
Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No 2 in C Minor (Soloist John Paul Ekins)
Tickets £10 / Children £3
From 020 8841 6370 (HCS) / 01895 674223 (HPO)
or Pro Music International Ltd, Ickenham 01895 677944