A group of deaf students from the Hearing Impaired Resource Base at Vyners Academy used their entrepreneurial and creative skills to raise funds for Hillingdon Winter Night Shelter. The students, who have been learning about homelessness during literacy, decided to sell packets of hot chocolate, marshmallows and chocolate coated spoons to support the local charity. The project raised £41.90.
The Hillingdon Winter Night Shelter is a joint venture between Hillingdon Borough Council, Trinity Homeless Projects, local community organisations and church groups, and provides winter shelter for homeless people in the borough from January until March 2013.
Baptism at St Giles’
Nov 25t Daniel Jon Turner
Cremations at Breakspear Crematorium
Nov 20th Joyce Lees, aged 90
Nov 22nd Doris Quine, aged 92
Nov 26th Rosie Leyland, aged 87
Nov 27th John Harris, aged 89 (after service at St Giles’)
Nov 29th Robert Moore, aged 81
Nov 30th Derek Wright, aged 74 (after service at St Giles’)
Dec 21st Pamela Deacon, aged 66
Dec 21st Terry Castledine, aged 70 (after service at St Giles’)
Dec 27th Douglas Mace, aged 67
Jan 8th Marjorie Grainger, aged 92
Jan 15th Susan Smith, aged 55
Festive Community Night on 7th December was attended by hundreds of Ickenham residents, enjoying the lights, the many open
shops, outdoor activities and a Village Hall and Scout Hut full of stalls packed with gifts, food, happy faces and Santa.
Also much admired was Ickenham’s now famous Christmas tree alongside the village pump. This year, the tree had been kitted out with new lights, arranged by the Festival Team at a cost of some £4,000. The team was also responsible for providing and erecting Christmas lights throughout Ickenham’s shopping area.
St Giles’ church displayed a variety of small Christmas trees provided by local organisations, as well as the Tree of Remembrance. Delightful musical accompaniment was provided by Glebe and Breakspear school singers. In the Church Hall the following day, the St Giles’ Christmas Market raised well over £2,000 for church funds and CLICK Rukiga. And, on the Sunday before Christmas, the ever-popular service of ‘Nine Lessons and Carols’ was held.
Meanwhile, at the URC, a series of tableaux on display represented key scenes from the Christmas story; the angel visiting first Mary, then Joseph, the stable, and the visiting shepherds and wise men. These were used as backdrops for the Junior Church’s nativity service readings, and also provided atmospheric focal points for reflection during the very moving ‘Carols by Candlelight’ service.