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February 2013

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Charlotte Gell, Ickenham’s famous benefactress, is well-known for two of her legacies – Ickenham’s Pump and Ickenham Cottages (the ‘Almshouses’).  However, she went further in her mission to improve the lives of the needy with Ickenham’s own early form of ‘Winter Fuel Allowance’. 

In her will she left money in trust so that, around Christmas time, deserving Ickenham inhabitants as selected by the trustees, could receive ‘The Gift of Coals’.  In 1953, sacks of coal were distributed to 24 recipients.  The charity continues today (its full name is the ‘Charity of Charlotte Gell for the Relief of Need’), administered by three trustees, the Chairman being the Rector of St Giles’. 

Coal is no longer distributed of course, but small grants are available to subsidise the home heating costs of deserving Ickenham residents.  If you live in Ickenham and you would like to apply for a grant, or if you know someone who is struggling with paying their heating bills, please contact the Revd Adrian Guthrie on 01895 622970 to request an application form.  All applicants will be treated in confidence - but you will be required to show you are in genuine need of the grant. 

DROP-IN FOR THE BEREAVEDThird Monday of each month.  St Giles’ Church Hall, 2pm to 3.30pm. A friendly, informal opportunity for a chat, over a cup of tea, with other bereaved people and bereavement visitors.  The next meeting is on Monday 18th February (then Monday 18th March).  Just come along, or ring the Rectory (622970) if you would like to talk to someone first. 




Keep up that New Year resolution to tidy the wardrobes or clear out the garage: there’s a jumble sale looming at the URC!  It’s on Saturday 9th March, from 10am until 12 noon, and you can bring items to the church the day before, Friday 8th March, from 3pm till 7pm.  If you need items to be collected, just call Richard Piper on 01895 634348. 




The start of the ICN year is a good time to thank all our advertisers for the support they give us.  We wish them a busy and successful 2013. 

Thanks too, to the clubs, societies and individuals who make donations towards our running costs.  Together you make it possible for us to continue to produce and deliver the magazine to every address in Ickenham. 

This month, receipt is acknowledged, with grateful thanks, for a donation from:
Valerie Lane of Lincoln

Please note that items for the March edition of ICN should be with the team by noon on 13th February. 

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