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February 2013

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Following his success in designing the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, (June ICN) Tim Noad has had his four designs for new one pound coins selected amidst considerable competition.  The first two of these coins have already been struck and put in circulation by the Royal Mint and the other two will be available next year. 

2013 sees the thirtieth anniversary of the first pound coin, and the challenge for the artists was to provide symbolic representations of the four countries of the United Kingdom: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 

Tim, a Deputy Churchwarden at St Giles’, combined the official and unofficial emblems for each country in his designs.  England has a Tudor Rose and an oak branch, with the inscription “DECUS ET TUTAMEN” which means “an ornament and a safeguard” (an inscription first used on coins in the reign of Charles II).  The Welsh coin shows the leek and the daffodil and bears the inscription, in Welsh, “PLEIDIOL WYF I’M GWLAD” (“True am I to my country”). 

The designs of coins and medals are chosen by a committee of experts from the work of a number of selected artists.  Tim said, “I often use plants and flowers in a decorative way in my work, combining natural forms and heraldic stylisation.  So many men and women from the armed and emergency services were issued with the Jubilee medal last year; it’s pleasing to think that this year everyone in the UK could be the owner of a coin bearing my design!”



Well, possibly not on a day like this, beautiful though it is...!

But come the springtime, St Giles’ churchyard will definitely be the place to rest a while and enjoy your surroundings, thanks to the efforts of that crack team of gardeners, the Holy Mowers (see ICN March 2012) and a number of generous contributors. 

Holy Mower Chairman Patricia Lee told ICN that her team has replaced nine standard rose trees in December, with new ones donated by relatives in memory of loved ones.  And two new garden benches were also donated, for which she is very grateful. 

A further very generous donation by Fairweather Insurance Services has been put towards plants and bulbs, and will go a long way to bringing colour to the churchyard in the coming months.  As the path through the churchyard is often used as a short cut, the enhanced planting will bring pleasure to many. 

Fairweather Insurance’s two directors, John Upton and Jon Senior, both lived and went to school in Ickenham, so it is pleasing that two ‘local lads’ should remember their ‘roots’ in this way!



Unlike two years ago when the carol singers endured a snow blizzard, this year’s St Giles’ carol-singing stalwarts became extremely wet from continuous rain.  Wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas, they sang enthusiastically outside the shops in Swakeleys Road, raising £125 for Save The Children.  Our thanks go to everyone who turned out, especially to Rachael Bowker and Elsie Potter for accompanying the singers on their flutes. 
Jenny Reid






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